September 13, 2018

Signed a cooperation agreement with Faculty of Science

R-S Silicon signed a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. Contract implies cooperation between the Faculty and R-S Silicon in the area of science, professional and educational activities, mutual help in the area of scientific and expert research. This business step aims to establish a closer cooperation between faculties and industrial partners.

The contract was signed by prof. Dr. Goran Trbić, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and Gianmichele Foglia, Procurator of R-S Silicon.

In support to the cooperation of Italian entrepreneurs with the local community, among the representatives of the University of Banja Luka and the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Government of Republic of Srpska, the signing of the Agreement attended as well the Ambassador of Italy to Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Nicola Minasi.

Company R-S Silicon has provided funds for the realization of a professional study on the topic “Comprehensive research on microsilica”, which deals with the research of alternative applications of one of its products. This study in the following year shall be conducted by the team of the Chemistry Program. Apart of the funds intended for the realization of the study, the Company R-S Silicon donated a valuable laboratory equipment, which will significantly contribute to the realization of this project.